The Jiao group
Vision statement
The Jiao Research Group is committed to advancing electrochemical technologies to tackle critical global challenges in energy storage, chemical manufacturing, and sustainable food production. Our current efforts are centered on transforming carbon utilization by designing and engineering high-performance CO2 and CO electrolysis systems that exceed the efficiency and capabilities of traditional fossil-based technologies. Through innovative reactor development and interface optimization, we continually push the boundaries of electrochemical performance. Our long-term goal is to combat climate change through clean, sustainable, and eco-friendly energy and chemical solutions, ultimately contributing to a greener and more responsible future.
Outlined below are four key research directions currently driving our efforts.
Sustainable chemical and food productions via electrochemical and hybrid approaches
Non-fossil-based chemical and food production, utilizing resources such as CO2 and H2O, is critical for advancing sustainable and eco-friendly chemical and agricultural sectors. Harnessing solar energy on a terawatt scale through artificial photosynthesis is a highly promising approach in this regard. In our laboratory, we investigate innovative chemistry and cutting-edge nanostructured catalysts for two essential half-reactions: water oxidation and CO2 reduction. Our ultimate objective is to integrate both reactions within a fully operational device, enabling the cost-effective and efficient production of green chemicals. In collaboration with experts across various disciplines, we are also devising hybrid strategies to overcome technical challenges unaddressable by traditional electrocatalysis methods.
Nanostructured materials for energy applications
Nanostructured materials, particularly nanoalloys, are an important group of materials. Such solids can combine open d-shells, high surface area, well-defined facets, with the result that they exhibit many interesting properties in catalysis, electron transfer, energy conversion and storage, and magnetic devices. We are currently focusing on developing new synthetic methodologies in order to fabricate nanostructured materials that cannot be accessed by traditional approaches. We believe that new materials hold the key to our clean and sustainable energy future.
Process and reactor design for electrochemical systems
Process and reactor design are important topics of chemical engineering because they often dominate the overall performance of electrochemical systems. In our laboratory, we not only perform fundamental research on novel catalysts but also design new reaction process and electrochemical reactors for advanced applications. Recent research efforts include prototype development, process engineering and system integration.
In-situ and Operando structural characterizations
Heterogeneous catalysis at the solid/liquid/vapor interface plays an important role in many energy applications, and the ability to observe dynamic structural changes of working catalysts under reaction conditions is invaluable. Such information provides important insights for us to understand key promotion and poisoning phenomena, and allows for tailoring the design of next-generation catalysts. X-ray absorption spectroscopy and Infrared spectroscopy are powerful tools to probe local chemical environment and oxidation state of catalyst under working conditions.